Wednesday, April 8, 2015

hospital bag: what did we REALLY need?!

I was totally one of those first time moms. You know the type! Obsessively researching on Pinterest and blogs, asking all of their mommy friends, researching some more: what am I going to need to pack for the hospital? I planned to pack one bag for my husband and me and one bag for baby! That was all I knew for sure! At 36 weeks 7 days I decided to just go for it! Here is what I packed:


2 pair black leggings 
1 black nursing tank
1 black nursing bra
2 pair black comfy panties 
2 pair socks
2 comfy oversized sweaters/cardigans
Water bottle (reusable: I use an EcoVessel)

Toiletries (for both of us):

Travel Toothbrushes (that fold in on themselves so they don't sit on the sink)
Travel dry shampoo
Travel shampoo and conditioner
Travel hairspray
Travel handheld mirror
Vaseline (my makeup remover of choice)
Hair ties 
Heavy flow pads


2 boxers
1 undershirt
1 tee shirt
1 pair jeans
1 pair comfy pants
1 sweatshirt
** this was all he let me pack!


Camera charger
Cell phone chargers
Granola bars and snacks (candy for hubby)
Large reusable shopping bag for bringing home gifts (we have a large one from TjMaxx)
Breast pump flanges and collection bottles (in case I needed; they had the pump at the hospital)


2 short sleeve onesies
2 long sleeve onesies
2 pair mittens
2 pair socks
2 coming home outfits (one newborn, one 0-3 months: you never know!)
2 warm hats
2 receiving/swaddling/cover the car seat blankets
2 burp cloths
Car seat

I packed for my husband and myself and our misc stuff in a standard size duffle type travel bag.  I packed the baby's stuff in the backpack type diaper bag we received as a shower gift since it was larger than my regular diaper bag! 

So now, for what I actually used! 

I used one pair of leggings, the nursing tank, and one sweater for the day I went home.  The rest of the time I stayed in the hospital gown since it wasn't hideous and it was so easy for nursing! 

I used the incredibly attractive (not!!) mesh postpartum undies the hospital provided the entire time I was there and coming home.  They also sent me home with three packs of the undies! I used them for about a week after we got home! 

For the most part, I didn't use most of the clothing items I packed.  It is personal preference, but that's what worked for me! 

I did use my water bottle! The tiny cups and pitchers that are available to you just didn't cut it for me! 

Most of the toiletries were used, with the exception of the pads. Again, you will want to use the ones the hospital provides! They also sent me home with over a weeks worth of supplies! Take it! 

My husband barely used any of what I packed for him! He used the comfy pants for night time, that was it! Because we went to the hospital from the doctors, we didn't have the car seat, etc., so he was able to run home and gather what we needed and shower and change at home! 

Our sweet baby boy lived in the hospital onesies and their swaddling blankets. It was just easier! Also, I should mention, diapers and wipes were provided and sent home with us! We did use the mittens because those little nails are razor sharp and he loved to scratch his face! The only thing we used was a onesie, his newborn coming home outfit, a hat, and the blankets on the day we went home since it was barely 40 degrees outside! Aside from that, we didn't use anything else we packed for him! 

All of the miscellaneous items were used, with the exception of the breast pump because I didn't need it! 

And there you have it!  This was my experience at the hospital where I delivered.  I know each hospital is different and may provide more or less, depending. I recommend calling ahead of time if you are unsure of what will be provided! Looking back, I know I overpacked.  Next time I will pack lighter! I was happy I packed all I needed, however! 

Try not to stress :) Remember: if you forget something, there will be someone who can pick it up for you if the hospital doesn't already have it! Best of luck mommies and happy packing!!

Monday, April 6, 2015

...birth story...

 So Thursday, March 5th, after my afternoon workout, I was struck with a strong urge to pack up our hospital bags! The following day my husband and I were going in for our 37 week scan and doctors appointment.  I thought to myself: it could happen any day! I need to be ready. So... I got us ready :)! I will do a post later about what our hospital bags included, what we used, and what we totally didn't need.

Friday, March 6th I worked until 2:15, met my love at my work, and the two of us headed up to our doctors appointment! First we had an ultrasound, followed by a meeting with the doctor.  The ultrasound seemed normal and fine and we loved to see our little peanut on the screen!  They estimated he weighed somewhere around 6lbs even. We went into the exam room after that to wait for my fabulous doctor.  While we were waiting, the ultrasound tech came back in and told me that she missed a measurement and needed to rescan.  I wasn't too worried, but my husband looked a little concerned (he is the nervous nelly out of the two of us!).  I went into the room alone and the tech started to scan the cord.  While she was doing that, the radiologist who was reading the scans at another location called the tech.  I couldn't hear what he said, but he instructed the technician to take a few more measurements.  After that he asked to speak to my doctor! That's when I started to feel nervous. 

I was sent back to the exam room to wait on my doctor. We could hear him in the next room on the phone with the radiologist and he seemed pretty serious and matter of fact.  Hubby and I were feeling very anxious at that point and had to wait 35 minutes to be seen!! (We later found out the doctor took his final patient before us so that he wouldn't have to rush through our appointment). 

Finally he came in and we knew by his face and by the two nurses he brought with him that he had some kind of news for us.  The news was this: after a flawless, problem free pregnancy, my amniotic fluid level was dangerously low and no one knew why.  Based on the baby's projected weight, the fact that we were 37 weeks along, and the fact that we had no other issues, they were making the call to begin induction as soon as possible.  I was so terrified.  Thank goodness my sweet husband was there to ask the questions I couldn't think of!  The doctor assured us that this was the right move for mommy and baby and that a situation like this could result in a stillbirth in a matter of days.  He did a cervical sweep and determined I was dilated to a 2, 50% effaced, with a "favorable cervix".  We made the call and decided yes we must start the induction.  

My doctor was on call that evening at the hospital so he instructed us to head right over and he would meet us there. I was so nervous, so was my love. I called my mom (she was the other person I wanted in the delivery room with me besides my husband because I knew she would help keep us both calm) and she headed to my house to grab our hospital bags and head up to the hospital.  My love called his dad just so they were aware, but we didn't call anyone else.  We wanted to see what was gong to happen first. 

We arrived and were sent to triage in labor and delivery.  They hooked me up to the monitors and determined I was having irregular but consistent contractions! Mom arrived, my doctor arrived, and I was admitted and brought in to a delivery room. Here is how my induction happened:

My doctor explained he wanted to "ripen my cervix" overnight with a medication that is inserted in the cervix and would *hopefully* cause dialation and as a result, labor.  The medication (Cervidil) was inserted at 7pm. I began to have stronger contractions right away.  Mom, hubby, and I ordered dinner from a nearby restaurant, ate, then mom went home for the evening. 

My contractions were strong enough that sleeping was near impossible.  The overnight nurse offered a morphine shot to help me sleep. She told me I would need all of my strength tomorrow and so sleep was crucial.  I decided the pros outweighed the cons and I accepted the shot (ouch). I was able to sleep for a while, but by 5 am I was in active labor and sleep was elusive. 

7 am the Cervidil was removed and I was dialated to a 6.  I was hooked up to potocin, however the drip was not started.  They wanted to let me labor on my own for a while.  And labor I did, holy moly!  The on call doctor, whom I really liked, broke my water at about 830/9 (right about when mom came back!), and the contractions turned really painful.  I decided on an epidural at about 1130/12 and thank goodness I did. It took two tries to get it right, but it was heaven! I even napped a little bit! 

My contractions did this weird thing where they slowed down from every five minutes to more erratic.  They decided at 230/3 to start the lowest dose of potocin drip.  That's when we had a problem.  My little ones heart rate dropped too too low.  Before I even knew what was happening, my room was full of nurses. One was strapping on an oxygen mask, the others were moving me in crazy positions trying to get the baby's heart rate back up, and yet another was making the call to prepare the operating room, all while trying to reassure me that we would be ok.  Finally, at the very last minute, his heart rate stabilized and they held off on a c-section. They checked my cervix to see what happened and they realized I had dialated to 9cm and the baby had gone from a -2 station to almost fully dropped and engaged.  They stopped the potocin right away as they determined that was the cause of the sudden dialation and dropping.  After they allowed me to stabilize a little bit, they wanted me to try pushing to move the baby downward and fully into position.  This is where things get hazy for me.  I pushed for what seemed like only a short time with the nurse. She checked me and determined I was probably ready to push for real because the baby's head was right there and I was feeling pressure. 

The doctor came in, checked me, and told me it was definitely time! The only problem was, my contractions were so strong, as was my need to push, that the doctor barely even had time to get her gown on! Literally she was holding the babies head as the nurse was tying her gown on her! One or two pushes after she sat down he was out (sunny side up, too!).

All of the pain, pressure, and stress was gone the moment I heard his first little cry and he was placed in my chest! He was perfection! My husband and mom were incredible! We all three were amazed and in love with the little baby boy who was born at 5:58pm! It was such a beautiful moment! One I will never forget! I get all teary thinking about it even now! 

I am now a month postpartum and I can tell you all, everything was worth it and I can't wait to do it all again! 

More soon on the light of our life, however it's time for feeding and snuggles! More later xoxo